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Is there a time when you don’t know where to start or what to watch on Netflix?

Find out what’s trending on Netflix and how you can access the official weekly charts and stats to get an idea what to watch later at anytime!

On the front page of Netflix, there’s a row that says “Popular” which shows the current popular shows with the most watches during a time.

It’s a nice feature, but it doesn’t tell the number of views and the time when the data is collected. It also only shows the top shows people watch in your region only.

I’m in Canada right now, so it shows what my fellow Canadians are watching. But I wonder what people outside Canada like watching too! Like are people watching great local gems like Money Heist?

Money Heist is such a good show. I like it from the beginning till the end. The last season doesn’t rot like many other big shows!
My last obsession is “La Femme Nikita”, the original TV release back in 1997… High recommend it if you’re into action / spy genre.

“Money Heist” Watch now on Netflix

Global Top 10 Lists

A few months ago, I read on news that Netflix has actually & finally made its official charts public, which includes the Global Top 10 which I’ve been looking forward to.

The chart is actually not visible (yet) on the app, but you can go to top10.netflix.com and check out the Top 10s we’ve been waiting to know.

The chart is updated weekly on every Tuesday, and lists the top titles by language (only English and Non-English now currently), by format (films and shows) and of course, by country too.


Netflix explains their lists rank titles based on weekly hours viewed: the total number of hours members around the world watched each title from Monday to Sunday of the previous week.

You can read their methodology in details here.

To see the Top 10 film and show lists in Canada, for example, you just add the country name alias after the official page link like top10.netflix.com/canada. To see what Hong Kong people like watching right now, use top10.netflix.com/hong-kong, etc.

Alternatively, you can use the dropdown menu to select the region you want to check out:

Top 10 By Country can be viewed and changed through the dropdown menu. Picture above shows the current popular shows In United States from November 29 – December 5, 2021.

As you may have known, the availability of film and show titles vary by country, so some titles you see in other countries or regions may not be available in your area. This limitation has nothing to do with your subscription plan, as it is directly related to the terms and restrictions of the movie licenses Netflix got them from.

Netflix subscription plans allows you to play movies in various quality and the number of screens in use at the same time, but do not give you more access to movie choices.

Luckily, Netflix’s been very active in expanding its own catalog and its own titles are widely and readily available!

Weeks in Top 10: the misleading bar

One thing that I got misled on the first sight is the red bar for the weeks in top 10. I thought it was a popularity bar like on Spotify which shows trending titles right now. It ends up being just the visualization of the total weeks of a title in top 10.

Don’t you too wish the bars show the popularity instead?

Also, if a show gets into the Top 10, you’ll be able to see how it performs in other countries too. Below shows Money Heist: Part 5 which is #4 in United States for the previous week is also a top 10 entry in 91 other countries:

Money Heist: Part 5 in Top 10 in over 90 countries

Last but not least, Netflix has secretly offered their most popular shows EVER! At the bottom of the page, you’ll get access to its data files on Global Lists, Country Lists and Most Popular Lists, since their tracking on June 28, 2021.

📥 Download the lists here:



By Country


Most Popular


* Links above are direct files hosted on netflix.com. If the links don’t work anymore, visit https://top10.netflix.com and scroll to the bottom for the files.

Don’t know how to read the data? I’ve got you covered. Here’s the “top of the top”!

Titles with Most Weeks In Top 10


  1. Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha: Season 1 (14 weeks) 👑
  2. Newly Rich, Newly Poor: Season 1 (13 weeks)
  3. Squid Game: Season 1 (12 weeks)

“Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha: Season 1” gathered the most weeks in top 10 with 14 weeks. Interestingly, it has never been at the #1 spot as the most-watched show globally. It peaked at #2 in the week of September 26, 2021.

All the 3 titles mentioned above are under TV (Non-English) category.


  1. Squid Game: Season 1 (11 weeks) 👑
  2. Maid: Limited Series (10 weeks)
  3. Blindspot: Season 1 & 2 (8 weeks)

Hong Kong

  1. Hospital Playlist: Season 2 (15 weeks) 👑
  2. Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha: Season 1 (14 weeks)
  3. Squid Game: Season 1 (12 weeks)
“Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha”
Watch now on Netflix
Watch now on Netflix

Most-Watched Titles by Hours

So Netflix measured a show’s popularity and success in a way that’s pretty similar to how Billboard measures music. It records every show’s watched hours in its first 28 days. Guess what? Cultural-reset “Squid Game” tops the list. It outranks the second place and third place with hours more than the total of the two shows combined!

All categories

  1. Squid Game: Season 1 (1,650,450,000 hours) 👑
  2. Bridgerton: Season 1 (625,490,000 hours)
  3. Money Heist: Part 4 (619,010,000 hours)

TV (Non-English)

  1. Squid Game: Season 1 (1,650,450,000 hours) 👑
  2. Money Heist: Part 4 (619,010,000 hours)
  3. Money Heist: Part 3 (426,400,000 hours)

TV (English)

  1. Bridgerton: Season 1 (625,490,000 hours) 👑
  2. Stranger Things 3 (582,100,000 hours)
  3. The Witcher: Season 1 (541,010,000 hours)

Films (Non-English)

  1. Blood Red Sky (110,520,000 hours) 👑
  2. The Platform (108,090,000 hours)
  3. Below Zero (78,300,000 hours)

Films (English)

  1. Red Notice (35,3870,000 hours) ?
  2. Bird Box (282,020,000 hours)
  3. Extraction (231,340,000 hours)
“Squid Game”
Watch now on Netflix
Watch now on Netflix
“Blood Red Sky”
Watch now on Netflix
“Red Notice”
Watch now on Netflix

Thanks to the charts, now we have some more ideas what to watch next!

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